Setting up a development environment#

This page describes how to set up a development environment for the Squareone monorepo.

To get the Squareone codebase, fork the Squareone repository if you’re an external contributor, or clone it if you’re a member of the repository or SQuaRE:

git clone


Squareone uses Node.js. To get a version of Node.js that matches how we run Squareone in CI and production, use nvm. First, follow the nvm installation documentation then activate the node environment in a cloned Squareone repository:

nvm use


The node version is defined by the .nvmrc file in the Squareone repository.


Squareone uses pnpm to manage Node.js dependencies. See the pnpm installation documentation to install it.

Install Squareone dependencies#

Install the JavaScript packages:

pnpm install turbo --global
pnpm install

When you install the Squareone monorepo package, it will also install the Husky-based pre-commit hooks that lint the codebase.

Installing turbo globally is recommended so that you have the turbo command available. This globally-installed turbo will defer to the turbo installed in the Squareone monorepo, so don’t worry about minor version mismatches.

Python dependencies for documentation#

The Squareone documentation uses Sphinx, a Python-based documentation generator. To make it easier to install and manage Python dependencies, we use nox to manage a virtual environment and run tasks in them.

To install nox, run:

python -m pip install nox

Next steps#

See Development tasks for common development tasks.