Using the CSS tokens#

Once the package is installed, you can access token files in different formats in the dist directory of the installed package:


For example, in a Next.js project you can directly import CSS into your app wrapper page:

Rubin Style Dictionary provides CSS files with design tokens as CSS custom properties (aka CSS variables). In your Next.js app you can import these files to incorporate the tokens into your app’s CSS:

import '@lsst-sqre/rubin-style-dictionary/dist/tokens.css';
import '@lsst-sqre/rubin-style-dictionary/dist/tokens.dark.css';

The tokens.css file contains the core set of design tokens including the “light” themed colours.

Dark mode#

The tokens.dark.css file contains the dark themed colours properties that override the light themed colours. Those colours are automatically scoped inside the [data-theme="dark"] selector.