
Squareone is a monorepo for front-end applications and packages for Rubin Observatory Data Management.

The Squareone monorepo includes the app Squareone which is the landing page for the Rubin Science Platform. It’s where you start on your journey to use the RSP’s portal, notebooks, and APIs to do science with Rubin/LSST data. You can see Squareone in action at data.lsst.cloud.

Squareone is an open source project on GitHub at lsst-sqre/squareone.


The front-end web applications developed in Squareone.

Deploy Squareone

Squareone — the app — is the landing page for the Rubin Science Platform. Learn how to configure and deploy Squareone.


Squareone provides npm packages that are used by applications within the monorepo, but can also be used by other projects.

Rubin Style Dictionary

Rubin Style Dictionary provides design tokens and assets in multiple formats based on the Rubin Observatory Visual Identity Manual.


Develop Squareone

Learn about the structure of the Squareone monorepo and get started with development.